So, we have been having amazing weather here in Iowa – forecasts of 50F in the next few days, no snow, clear weather – it’s amazing! So, with a few free hours today, off I went to the range to sight in the Truglo Red-Dot.
I mounted it to a weaver/picatinny rail on my Ruger .22/.45 and loaded up. Everyone has their own process for sighting in. I typically use my range bag as a gun rest and use 5-round groups. The distance today was 30 feet. I always adjust for windage first then elevation. The adjustments were simple, a left-right adjustment on the left side of the sight for windage and an elevation adjustment on the top. A single click was a quarter inch adjustment.
The Truglo mounted easily and securely. The model .22/.45 had a 4
Out of the box, my first group was low and left. Two magazines of 5 each provided more than enough hits to center on the target. The same process allowed the elevation to come right in as well. From then on it was simply fun. While I have a couple of red dots for my black guns (an Eotech and another Truglo), I’ve not tried them on a handgun before. So, I spent the next hour doing various drills – single target, multiple targets, circle drills – the Truglo worked perfectly. My smallest group at 30 feet was right at .75 inches when shot off my range bag. Otherwise, 1-2 inch groups were easily attained off hand from the 30 foot line.
So, based on a single trip to the range and around 200 rounds expended, I give it a tentative “thumbs up”. I’ll put some more miles on it and do a follow-up sometime this spring.
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